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The teacher’s home——Accommodation rules of Lahze Monastery

发表于 2016-7-21 15:24:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 班玛帕波 于 2016-7-21 15:32 编辑

The teacher’s home——Accommodation rules of Lahze Monastery

The visitors need to submit their specific personal details(name, gender, tel) and schedule to the teacher 2 weeks in advance, which includes the arrival time,the departure time, how many days you will stay and other requirements and etc. A team should submit the specific schedule to the teacher 2 weeks in advance also(please cantact teacher with e-mail), which includes the person numbers of the team (male and female numbers), the arrival time, the departure time, trip arrangements and so on. Those who will stay over 7 days should explain their own purpose.

The visitors need to fill in your personal information including name, ID number, gender, the arrival time and so on in the visitors register book.

You should submit your specific schedule in details after arrival.

The visitors should abide by the everyday schedule of Lahze Monastery.Please communicate with the leader in the Monastery in case thatyou need to change schedule.

The visitors should obey the arrangement of the leader of the monastery, and you can communicate with him/her at any time and solve your problems. Do not make arbitrary decisions.

Without permission, please do not enterTeacher’s bedroom in the 2nd floor.

Expect living room, pleaseclose the door if you leave any room.

The ascetic and the laymen will have their own bowls to eat. Please do not use bowls at will.

9.做饭与分工:早饭一般为糌粑面、酥油、奶渣、奶茶与鸡蛋,中饭与晚饭采取住客们轮流制作的方式,洗菜、做菜、刷碗等需要住客们互相合作、互相帮助。Dining at Monastery. For breakfast, generally Zanba, butter, quark, milk tea and eggs will be served. For lunch and dinner, the visitors shall cook in turns by themselves. Washing vegetables,cooking food and washing dishes have to be done as a team.

Washing vegetable and dishes shall be operated in the public washing area outside the house. Pouring the dish water around is not allowed, it must be poured into the public pool outsidethe house.

You can cook food by electric stove, griddle or make a fire.

The quilt is not allowed to be used as mat.  

The bedsarefixed, please do not change their location.

The toilet is the public lavatories outside home.

You can wash yourself at home in the yard or the public pool outside home. The water after washing should be poured into the public pool.

You can make offer to Guardian (Dharma Protectors) in the living room.

You should fill those empty bucket with water, and take them from the public pool to home, and then you can use it when necessary.  

The visitors should love and help each other. Any problem shall be solved through nice communication.

Please send the specific scheduling(including the arrival time,the departure time, how many days you will stay and other requirements and etc.) to our e-mail.
访客信息表.pdf (147.26 KB, 下载次数: 0)

Please inform us in advance if you need to rent cars(especially when you left the monastery),and contact us,rental fee is in your charge.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have,thank you!

E-mail address:laoshidejia_LZS@163.com
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